Monday, June 24, 2013

GET EDUCATED! | design tips for beginners

What comes to mind when you think of interior design? If you’re like me and you are a beginner in this field, then it can be quite intimidating. After being around our designers at JMI, I am learning so much! There are many aspects of design such as coordinating colors & patterns, lighting, furniture placement, accessorizing and working with a designated space. This may seem like a lot of if you are a beginner but I promise it doesn't have to be complicated! Try following these three basic guidelines with your own space.

First things first! Create an inspiration board of everything that inspires you by cutting out pictures from magazines or utilizing the "online cork board" known as Pinterest! 

Second, choose a color scheme and make it simple by sticking with three colors. Take into consideration where you need to add color and whether or not patterns will be used. 

 Last, but not least, trim down your furniture and accessories to only what inspires you. Editing is an artform, and there is nothing worse than unnecessary clutter. 

Have a wonderful week!

-Marcie B. 

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